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Use Case: Partner33 (Sender) send files to AMF via UFA Protocol, we use PGP decrypt, ZIP and Deliver those files to the Partner34 (Receiver) using S3 Protocol via AMF (Agile Messaging Framework).
Sequence Diagram:
A. Onboard Partner33 and Partner34 in using AMF
B. Install UFA agent for Partner33.
C. Create Message Type or use the existing one in AMF
D. Onboard Partner33 UFA Upload profile (Customer Initiated Communication Profile (Inbound)).
E. Create PGP Decrypt Action as Action Type
F. Create ZIP Action as Action Type
G. Create Delivery Action or use the predefined one (Deliver as is)
H. Create Workflow Definitions and add Actions (Created in step E, step F and step G) as step1, step2 and step3 respectively.
I. Create Workflow Rule with Sender, Receiver, MessageType and Workflow Definition Name (Created in step H).
J. Onboard Partner34 S3 Profile in AMF (MFT Initiated Communication Profile (Outbound)).
K. Create Communication Rule with Sender, Receiver, Message Type and Comm Profile Name
L. Verify the Message Activity in AMF once the Partner33 uploads the file to AMF via UFA Protocol. If everything was configured correctly, the file will be delivered to Partner34 via S3 protocol.
A. Onboard Partner33 and Partner34 in AMF:
Login to AMF
Go to Onboarding -> Users
Click on + icon at the top right corner
Select Customer and give details of Partner33, select User Type, Authentication Type and click next.
UserType: Which Zone does the Partner belong to send or receive files? (DMZ or Trusted)
AuthenticationType: Where we store the Partner credentials? (LDAP or local (SFG/AMF) or Both)
Select the provider the Partner belong to and click next
AMF: AMF provider is used to onboard partners which use UFA
IBM: This will come from the providers config. We can choose several types based on the provider's config.
OpenLdap: We need to select this if we selected the AuthenticationType as LDAP in the step2.
Verify the Partner details and click Onboard User.
Repeat the same steps for Partner34 using AMF.
B. Install UFA agent Partner33.
Please refer the UFA installation document for this step
C. Create Message Type or use the existing one in AMF:
Go to Message Types under Onboarding
Click on + icon in the right corner to add a new Message Type
Note: In this scenario we will use the existing Message Type (GENERIC)
D. Onboard Partner33 UFA Upload profile (Customer Initiated Communication Profile (Inbound)).
Double click on Partner33
Click on + icon at the top right corner
Select the protocol as UFA, operation as Upload, give the remaining details and click save
Upload Folder: Folder where the files will be placed to deliver to AMF.
File Pattern: File pattern to filter the files.
Sender: Sender name who is sending files
Receiver: Receiver name to whom we are delivering files via AMF (Partner34 in this case).
Message Type: Message Type we used in this case (GENERIC)
Polling Interval: The polling interval between the sync between UFA agent and server.
Archive Flag: Option to enable or disable the archives.
Archive Folder: Folder to archive the files if we enabled vii
Run Script Before Upload: Script name with path if we want to run any scripts before the file upload.
Chunk Size: Size of the files that will be transferred in bits when there is a large file transfer
PGP Encrypt: Option to encrypt the uploaded file.
Validate MD5 Check Sum: Option to validate the MD5 Checksum on uploaded files.
E. Create PGP Decrypt Action as a Action Type
Go to Actions under Onboarding-> Workflow
Click on + icon to create new action
Give Action Name Select PGP Decrypt as Action Type and click save.
F. Create ZIP Action as a Action Type
Go to Actions under Onboarding-> Workflow
Click on + icon to create new action
Give Action Name Select ZIP as Action Type and click save.
G. Create Delivery Action or use the predefined one (Deliver as is):
Go to Actions under Onboarding->Workflow
Click on + icon to create new action
Give Action Name Select Deliver as Action Type and click save.
Note: In this scenario we will use the existing Action (Deliver as is)
H. Create Workflow Definitions and add Actions (Created in step E, step F and step G) as step1, step2 and step3 respectively.
Go to Definitions under Onboarding->Workflow
Click on + icon at the top right corner
Give Workflow Name, Description and Click Save
Double click on the Workflow Definition Name
Click on the + icon at the top right corner
Select the Action that we created in step E as step1 and click Save
Select the Action that we created in step F as step2 and click save
Select the Action that we created in step G as step3 and click save
I. Create Workflow Rule with Sender, Receiver, Message Type and Workflow Definition name (Created in step H).
Go to Rules under Onboarding -> Workflow
Click on + icon at the top right
Give Sender, Receiver, Message Type and Workflow (Created in step H) and click on Save
J. Onboard Partner34 S3 Profile in AMF (MFT Initiated Communication Profile (Outbound)).
Double click on the Partner34
Click on + icon in the top right corner
Give details of the S3 and click save
Give details and click save
S3 bucket: S3 Bucket name
S3 Region: Region where S3 belongs
S3 Access Key ID: Access key ID of the S3 bucket
S3 Secret Key: Secret key of S3 bucket
Message to Process: Option to process the original or current message
Proxy Required: Option to open connections via proxy server
Proxy URL: Proxy server URL (If proxy was enabled)
Upload Path: Path to upload files
Cleanup on Delivery: Option to clean the file in file system after the file was delivered (Once the file is cleaned, we cannot redeliver the file again)
K. Create Communication Rule with Sender, Receiver, Message Type and Comm Profile Name:
Go to Rules under onboarding-> Communication
Click on + icon at top right corner
Select Sender, Receiver, Message Type and Comm. Profile name and click on save
L. Verify the Message Activity in AMF once the Partner33 uploads the file to AMF via UFA Protocol. If everything was configured correctly, the file will be delivered to Partner34 via S3 Protocol.
Go to Message Activity under Track N Trace
To see more details of the delivered double click on the record.