Linux Installation
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Use Case: Install UFA agent in Linux environments.
Linux Installation Steps:
Create a User with Provider type as AMF (Agile Messaging Framework).
Create UFA config and assign to the user created in step 1.
Download the agent software and copy to the respective system.
Install the agent and verify the status in Service availability screen.
Linux Installation Process:
Create a User with Provider type as AMF
Login to AMF
Go to Users page under Onboarding
Click on + icon in the top right corner
Select Customer and give details of PartnerA, select UserType, AuthenticationType and click next.
UserType: Which Zone does the Partner belongs to send or receive files? (DMZ or Trusted)
AuthenticationType: Where do we store the Partner credentials? (LDAP or local (SFG/AMF) or Both)
Select the provider the Partner belongs to and click next
AMF: AMF provider is used to onboard Partners which use UFA.
IBM: This will come from the provider's config. We can choose several types based on the provider's config.
OpenLdap: We need to select this if we selected the AuthenticationType as LDAP in the step d-ii.
Verify the Partner details and click Onboard User.
Note: We can also use existing users if we have any
2. Create UFA config and assign to the user created in step1.
Go to UFA page under configuration
Click on + icon at the top right corner
Give details of the UFA agent
Click Save after giving the below details.
Ufa User: Partner name which this agent belongs
Host Name: Host/IP of Partner system where UFA agent will be installed.
Operating system: Operating system type of Partner
OS Type: Weather its 64 or 32(X86) bit system
UFA Version: Option to choose different version (Version 2.0 by default)
Assigned To: Admin user who will operate the agent installation
Log Level: Log level for the UFA agent logging
UFA Type: Where the UFA was installed (In DMZ or Trusted Zone)
3. Download the agent software and copy to the respective system:
Go to UFA page under configuration
Click on Download Icon for the UFA agent that we configured earlier
Copy the Zip file to respective Linux box
Unzip and give executable permissions to the ufav2_linux
$ chmod +x ufav2_linux (Command to give executable permissions)
4. Install the agent and verify the status in Service availability screen
Install the UFA agent using the below command
$ ./ufav2_linux
Agent was successfully installed in Linux.
Go to Service availability under Track N Trace
We can see the UFA agent status as Active